Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Have A Dream

Like Martin Luther King once said "I have a dream...". But screw him, he's not the only one. Everyone's got a dream, let it be sweet or cruel, economical or artistic, maybe even wet or dry. Well, I just thought of this dream this morning when I was on my way to the parkin' lot. While walking, I faced the sky and I saw birds flying. And then I felt like I wanna fly too...

And so I imitated the posture of an eagle... Preparing for take off...

And I took off... leaving the ground...

And for a moment I noticed that there are 4 kancils on my left...

Welcome to air force one airlines!! Here's your captain spankin'!!

Damn ma, your son's flyin' high and he looks like Bruce Lee!!

So high like I'm on crack!!

I'm Bruce Lee and an eagle at the same time!!

Well, the latter was proven untrue when I landed a few seconds after. Damn. But fuck that, Bruce Lee sounds cool what. Could it be them air kicks on my feet? I doubt that. I'll let you judge. And if it wasn't for the canceled class, I may not have accomplished this shit. Thank you for canceling the tutorial slot, whoever you are...

A million thanks to Iskandar 10677 too for makin the shots come true. =)

Chalo Brah


Anonymous said...

nice moves u got there.
leh replace tony jaa nnti.
hehe~~ =)

A really random dude said...

aik, mcm pernah nmpk jeh line tu, ko dh baca eh review aku... haha

Saphuan Awang said...

Wah... Tony Jaa? Itu power sgt rasanya... haha.

Haha. Sama eh? Rasanya it's a common phrase la dude..

A really random dude said...

haha, gurau je tu, we all cool