Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The OB what?

Yaw whatsgoooooooood party people?

Just got back from OBS. Exhausted as fuuuuuuuu... For those who don't know, OBS is kinda like an outdoor, very challenging, athletic, marine, physical, mental kinda thingy where they strip you of your cellphone, IC, money, beers and ciggies for 7 days straight. And you get a nice little A4 certificate and an enormous picture at the end of the course. They say the certificate could land you a job. Can it? Really? I don't know.

I had to do all sorts of stuff here like climbing up 148 steps to reach the dorm, Kayaking for about 20 km, whaling or (some say sailing) around Pangkor Island, surviving by eating tin canned sardines and waking up early in the morning. The last two were the hardest I tell ya. But in the end and as usual, I nailed every challenge they brought to me like a pro. Hehe. I gained 2 kg in weight and went home with a sore ass from too much sitting and rowing on the whaler's wooden seats.

They divided everyone into little groups they call watch. The names were based on mountains in Malaysia. I belonged to the Tahan watch alongside other members Umair, Amir Salvo, Rahim, Zul, Kapip, Farid, Eman, Sya, Citah, Kinah, Maisarah, Fret, and Leya under the supervision of instructor Mukrim who's one helluva guy. Cheerful bunch. It was really fun knowing them. Umair je yang emo sket. Pegi mana-mana bawak cangkul nak korek lubang. Haha. Dude's got a good digestion system.


On day 6, they had a BBQ nite where they had hot dancers dressed in tight sailorman kinda uniforms like the one Christina Aguilera wore in one of her music vid. I wish la. Haha. It was just a brief BBQ nite but kinda meaningful la to me coz Anjang jadi ustad malam tu while I was forced to do this formal sumthin they call "Sekapur Sireh". I did'nt even know what it meant. Then they told what to say and all. It was kinda like a summary of the activites carried out in the past 6 days there. And they wanted it in Malay. Huuuuu. So, I put on my A. Samad Said mode on and did my mojo trick. I think I even said something like: Bahang matahari yang membakar kulit para anak muda... Can't believe I said that. Call me a poet. Huuuuu. I think I carried out a patriotic, intense and valuable speech coz I heard some peeps in the audience dropped a few tears after I finished. Nice. Haha.

Kesimpulannya, it was all good laaa. Trying out stuff I never thought I'd try, doing stuff I never thought I'd do, and knowing people I never thought I'd know. Definitely one of the rare ocasions in life.

Transformers is off the hook... Optimus was super-cool... Megan Fox is off the scale!!! Seen it twice already. Anybody wanna follow for the third watch?

I'm kinda like Prime rollin' you out like autobots
Sniffin oil with Megatron, Chillin with Megan Fox

Say Whuuuuuuuut?

Chalo Brah

1 comment:

Admin said...

haha.ade jgk entri psl ob .xprasan pulak