Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Damn I just love June... Don't you love June? Asal June je mesti cuti. Cun lah... I've got so many things I wanna pour out and lay on this holy black blog but too little dedication to type em down. So fuckin lazy sedangkan duduk rumah bukan wat apa pun. Tau xpe... Now back to June. Ever thought if month's had genders? The only female month's would be April, May, and June. October would be a squid. And among the three, June laa gotsta be the hottest and sexiest. Why? Coz she's fuckin' June!! Muahahaha...

Artit Chot

That day before the other day, we celebrated Artit Chot's 19th birthday at Pizza Hut. Dude's got a soft spot for cakes and candles. I think he cried tears of joy after we sung him his birthday song. So sweeeeet rite. Muahaha. Siap main suap-suap ngan Kecik lagi.

Bila masa Nami amik cake?

Birthday Bwoi

Akay Amir Iqram

Akay had a chance to perform on stage for the first time last week on the 27th of May. Dude sure was nervous. Hella sweatin'. Dude did covers of Jack Johnson's Angel and Bo's Something New. He did awesome on stage even though he did'nt make it to the finals. Dude was even given another chance to perform on the following 29th of May. He even had the band 9teen's female singer doing a short flirt on him and a few other cute chinese chicks snappin photos of him. That's whatchu call success rite?

Yang jerit tu Kak Mawk ngan Kak Emma rasanya...

The kid with the goldie voice

I got a few performances myself coming this holiday. I'll update on that later.

Chalo Brah


Heart_person said...

no! april would be the hottest dowh... june is a yucky one (no offense) haha! bila akay perform dow?

Saphuan Awang said...

What? No way mang. Summer skool breaks selalu June. Haaaaa...

Akay perform 27th and 29th May aritu right after dia abis paper. Cun dowh!!

arthit said...

awang! you better start spelling my name the right way or i'm gonna bash you hard on the head the next time i see you. hahah

Saphuan Awang said...

Hahaha. I thot that was proper oredi... bash me on 8 july nnt la artit!!

dayang wang said...

Im LOVIN it!!!
nvr tot dat months got their gender..
pttla org2 born on JUNE..cute2 n HOT..hakhakahakahak!!