Sunday, January 11, 2009

2nd Day Jam

Just had to post this up yaw. Another video but this one's special. Coz it's featuring a real awesome guitarist... We were just doin' our thang like always. Then he steps in, picks up his guitar, plugs it in, and starts playing along. He even showed some composed melodies that he thought we could use in our song. Real pro I'd say. So who is this dude? Teka ah... Hahaha.

Kalau korang nampak mcm ada orang gelek-gelek dalam video tu, sila abaikan. Act like you never saw it. It just wasn't meant to happen aite.

Chalo Brah


Anonymous said...

sy tau sape.
bapa tmot yg macho. =)
salam pak!

beLLe said...

ouhhhh..bapak timot ke tuh. hahaha gile cool uncle. tp skali pndg cm muka kamran la plak. hik3~

Saphuan Awang said...

Yup. Pandainye u teka... hebat2!!

Dia mmg cool pon dowh. Mula2 kitorang main dua orang je. Then uncle tu turun. Dia dgr skeyt, angkat guitar, and then wallah... dapat r melody line guitar yg korang dgr dlm video tuh. Tu otai punya orang tu... hehe

nazrien said...

weyh singgah indiependan day out

aku and amer bkk booth

Saphuan Awang said...

tu apa jeb? bunyi mcm cool je. ko xde tulis pape pun pasal tu kt blog ko...

...sarah n... said...

menge'add' anda dlm link ku.